November 29, 2015

Bank Strike Again To Reopen Xth Bipartite Settlement

Sri Kamlesh Chaturvedi Writes on Facebook which I reproduce here for awakening Bank employees and for keeping them abreast of latest development in Trade Union Activities taking place .

After BEFI, now AIBOC, the largest organisation of Bank Officers in India has been forced to agitate on demand of We Bankers for reopening of 10th Bipartite Settlement. We reproduce circular issued by AIBOC for ready reference and perusal of bank employees. AIBOC has even given call for various programmes of Agitation including one day Strike on 11th December. Its significant that besides reopening of 10th BPS, AIBOC has admitted its mistake done in the past and has demanded extending of benefit of pension fund to those who joined Banks on or after 01.04.2010 i.e. Those who have been brought under NPS instead of existing Pension Scheme.

What surprises us the most is the manner and style with which various constituents of UFBU are now coming out independently to fight and struggle on certain demands of bank employees. We are unable to understand that top leaders of these constituents who have been displaying deep friendship with each other during the course of negotiation would not have discussed the issues with each other.

Why AIBOC has to agitate on these issues independently and singly ?

Has AIBOC consulted other constituents of UFBU prior to giving call for agitation? If not why? If yes, then what has been the reaction of others?

Why no unity this time?

Unless and until, such questions are answered to clear doubts, we are unable to appreciate these constituents. History proves that these unions and associations have their secret agenda and they launch agitation to achieve them. However, in order to secure maximum support they include few of those demands on which bank employees are already agitated.

Had the call for agitation been only for reopening of 10th BPS to remove anomalies and bringing employees joining after 01.04.2010 under the existing pension fund from NPS, we would not only have appreciated AIBOC but would have supported it too. But then there are certain demands which relate to benefits of leaders only for example appointment of Officers Directors.

Who knows if Strike Call is given to achieve only this demand. Since our present leaders are secretive, they refrain from sharing the truth, we have our doubts on their honest intentions. BEFI must join AIBOC if its serious on demand of reopening of BPS because such a move will instigate and inspire other unions to raise the demand and join the agitation.

(Registered under the Trade Unions Act 1926, Registration No.:3427/Delhi)
C/o Bank of India, Parliament Street Branch
PTI Building, 4, Parliament Street, New Delhi: 110001
Phone: 011-23730096 Tel/Fax 23719431
Circular No. 2015/75 Dated: 27/11/2015
To All Affiliates/State Units/Members

Dear Comrades,


You are aware that Joint Note for Xth Bipartite Settlement was signed on
25th May 2015, but there were many issues like the issues of Retirees covered in the Record Note, issue of disciplinary matters, calling officers on Sundays / holidays, anomaly in stagnation increments etc., which remained pending on the assurance of IBA that action required on their part on these issues would soon be taken.

Despite lapse of six months and our several reminders, no steps have been taken by the IBA to resolve the issues, as per the understanding reached during the discussions. There has been no move either to start the negotiations or restart the discussions. Leave apart this, even normal courtesy of acknowledging our communications has not been shown. The settled issues of Medical aid, reimbursement of medical expenses for retired employees through insurance policy are also being denied.

Apart from this, Government, on the one hand,

*is announcing and implementing policies based on the recommendations of P.J. Nayak committee viz. diluting stakes in Public Sector Banks (PSBs),
*privatisation of banks through denial of capital required by PSBs,
*establishing Banking Bureau Board, deliberate delay in appointing Officer Directors on the Banks' Boards,
*appointment of private entrepreneurs as MDs and Chairmen in Banks, permitting FDI in the banking sectors etc.

On the other hand, no steps are being taken to recover debts from willful defaulters, providing more windows by ways of Asset Reconstruction companies and SDRs, thus providing the escape routes to the defaulters of public money.

All these issues were deliberated in the AIBOC Executive Committee meeting held at Mangalore on date. The Committee also discussed the issue of non implementation of the understanding reached between Dhanlaxmi Bank Officers' Organisation (DBOO) and Dhanlaxmi Bank management, in the presence of Hon'ble Home Minister and trade union leaders of the Kerala state.

After due deliberations, the Executive Committee of the Confederation was of the unanimous view that any delay in deciding direct action will be damaging to the very existence of the Public sector and job security of the employees.

  It was also the opinion of the Committee that in view of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission, salary settlement of LIC employees, there is a need to relook into our Xth BPS accordingly.

The Committee unanimously decided to give an All India strike call for
11th December, 2015 and authorized the General Secretary to issue Notice for the strike and to serve it to all concerned authorities. The central leadership was also authorized to decide preparatory action programme.

We take this opportunity to apprise you that Notice of strike has been served by mail today and copies of the same have been sent to CLC (C), Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, to Chairmen / MDs of all PSBs. Notice and statement of the case are also enclosed herewith the circular.

We call upon all our Affiliates/ State Committees to warm up the rank and file and take all possible steps to ensure successful implementation of the strike call. The following action programme has also been decided as preparatory exercise for the strike:

**Black Badge Wearing 2nd December, 2015
**Demonstrations at the Headquarters of all Banks 4th December, 2015
at 5.30 pm
**Common demonstration by the State Committees at all 7th December, 2015
State Capitals & Major centres
We once again call upon all our Affiliates and State Committees to implement all the action programmes and make the strike a grand success.

With revolutionary greetings,
Comradely yours,

March on ! March On !! March On !

Strike for Demands:
1. Withdrawal of anti- psb proposals and recommendations suggested in the Gyan Sangam.
2. Initiating the immediate steps to resolve the residual issues of the 10th bipartite settlement, viz.,
a. Rectification of anomaly with regard to additional stagnation increment
b. Further discussions on disciplinary matters deliberated in the sub-committees which remain inconclusive
c. Settlement of points covered in the record note on the issues of bank retirees signed on the day of signing of joint note dated 25.05.2015
3. To send an advisory to member banks that officers should not be called on Sundays and Holidays.
4. Proper implementation of new medical insurance scheme as per essence and spirit of the joint note and restoration of domiciliary treatment to retirees opted for medical insurance scheme.
5. Stop attempting the introduction of variable pay in the name of “ performance based incentives” and ESOP for the senior executives.
6. Restoring the bilateralism and implement the bilateral understandings in Dhanalakshmi Bank.
7. Scrapping of NPS and reintroduce the bank level pension scheme for the recruits on or after 1st April 2009.
8. Immediate appointment of officer/workmen directors in public sector banks which is unduly kept pending.
9. Implementation of pension in RRBs.
10. Withdrawal of proposals to amend trade union laws.
to pay uniform pay and allowances in the banking sector.
11. Pension for SBI officers to be improved to 50% of the last
drawn pay without any ceiling."