August 28, 2020

Letter to 4 Workmen Unions on Meeting of Working Groups


53 Radha Bazar Lane (1st Floor), Kolkata – 700 001

Circular No.56/2020                                                                  27th Aug 2020
To all Units, Affiliates, Office Bearers, CC & GC Members

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Letter  to 4 Workmen Unions on Meeting of Working Groups 

A meeting of the Working Group for Workmen is  slated tomorrow at Mumbai. As we did not sign the MoU on 22nd July 2020, IBA will not invite us for further discussion was a known outcome. We all know another meeting of the Working Group for Workmen was held on 20th of this month. Meeting of the unions before the negotiation for distribution has been a practice followed till 10th Bipartite Settlement. BEFI was not consulted before any of the meetings. We did not sign the MoU for reasons explained unambiguously. The issues require to be discussed during the distribution have been identified during meetings of the small committee as well as full negotiating committee. On most of the issues IBA agreed to discuss during the distribution of quantum. 

We addressed a letter to the General Secretaries of four Workmen Unions/Associations narrating our views on the subject matters.

Text of the letter is appended below .

With greetings,
Yours comradely,
(Debasish Basu Chaudhury)
General Secretary



“We are aware that a meeting of the Working Group for Workmen was held on 20th of this month and another is slated to be held tomorrow, 28th August 2020. 

As we all know, it had been practice to hold meeting of the unions prior to the negotiation for distribution of quantum to arrive at a common  position. The meeting of tomorrow is going to be held physically at Mumbai and there has not been any intimation so far for holding meeting of workmen Unions, it won’t be possible for the undersigned to attend a Meeting at Mumbai even if it is decided now. 

Moreover, we have already expressed our views on the MoU in a letter addressed to UFBU Convener on 25th of this month with copy marked to all constituents. 

In this backdrop we would like to place our suggestions based on Common Charter of Demands and discussion held so far in Small Committee and Full Negotiation Committee meetings of which  BEFI was  an integral part.

Our views

Not withstanding our reservation on 2.5% loading, we like to point out that IBA has to clarify the basis of arriving at Rs.1155 Cr to be 2.5% of pay after merger of DA at 6352 point of C.P.I. Secondly as per IBA’s letter dt. 13.08.20, only 12.5% (15%-2.5%) of pay slip component is to be distributed on other heads which comes to Rs. 6582 Cr (12.5% of Rs 52655.34 Cr). After utilisation of Rs 1155 Cr for 2.5% loading on BP an amount of Rs 6743 Cr (Rs.7898Cr – Rs.1155Cr) is supposed to be available  for distribution on other heads. Here there is mismatch of Rs 161 Cr (Rs 6743 Cr – Rs 6581 Cr). IBA should not be allowed to pass.

Stagnation  increments  once  in  2  years  without  any  ceiling  for  both clerical and  subordinate  staff. 
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Entry  level  clerical  cadre  to  include  duties  of  SWO  and  existing  Special pay of Rs.  820 to be clubbed with Basic pay. 
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Entry  level  Sub staff  cadre  to  include  duties  of  Daftary  and  existing Special  Pay  of  Rs.  560  to  be  clubbed  with  Basic  pay  while  revising  the Pay Scales.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

On revision  first stage of  PQP/EQP should be equivalent  to  the  first  stage  increment  in  the  pay scale with re-fixation with same proportion at all stages.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

 Revision  of  FPP  on the  same  lines  of revision  of  basic  pay.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Other  posts  of    Special  Pay  to  be  revised  by  merger  of  D.A  and  loading as  in the  case  of Basic  Pay.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Further  increase  in  Special  Pay  amount  commensurate  with  the increased  duties,  responsibilities  and  risks  involved  in each post.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component. In our opinion increase in duties and responsibilities for any special pay carrying post is not advisable)

Housing accommodation / Quarters to be provided by Banks to all employees.   Wherever not provided, HRA to be paid. 
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Revision of HRA rates suitably and to be paid on the revised Pay. 
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component. We suggest for substantial increase of HRA rates)

Areas/population group to be re-classified and based on latest census figures.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Revision in HRA at project area centres.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Additional HRA in difficult and border areas.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Treating peripheral areas of metros/satellite towns like Chandigarh/Mohali/Panchkula, New Delhi/Gurgaon/NCR Regions, etc. at par for payment of HRA applicable to metro/satellite town respectively.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Reimbursement of HRA based on rent receipt.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Payment of HRA on Capital Cost where employee owns the house.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

HRA on Rent Receipt basis upto 150% of normal entitlement.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Adequate  increase  in all existing  Other Allowances  like  Cycle  Allowance, Washing  Allowance,  Split  Duty  Allowance,  Project  Area  Compensatory Allowance,  Paradip  Port  Allowance,  Hill  and  Fuel  Allowance,  Water Scarcity Allowance,  Compensation  on  Transfer,  etc. 
(IBA agreed to increase 15% in all the above mentioned allowances)

Adequate increase  in  Halting  Allowance/  Reimbursement  of  Lodging Expenses  while  on travel on duty.
(IBA agreed in principal to this demand)

Extension  of  allowances  whichever  and  wherever  paid  to  Central/State Government  Employees  like  Disturbed  Area  Allowance,  Island Allowance,  Agency/Tribal  Allowance,  Remote/Difficult  Area  Allowance, etc. 
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Extension  of  North-East  incentive  as  per  6th  pay  commission  and  as extended  to  RBI  employees  in North-east/Sikkim
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Far-flung/difficult  areas  in  Uttaranchal,  Himachal/  J&K  to  be  paid Special Area  Allowance  at  par  with  Leh/Ladakh,  etc.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

Hill  allowance  should  be  given  to  all  Districts  where  State  Governments are  paying  Hill Allowance.
(IBA agreed to discuss the matter during distribution of pay slip component)

All these issues though not exhaustive but needs redressal. This is without prejudice to our stand on MoU.” Unquote