February 25, 2015

Whether Working Hours Increased because of Saturday Holiday

Whether working hours increased because of Saturday holiday?
No. How?
Working hours are 6.5 hours for full day& 4 hours for Saturday.
In a month you save 4x2=8 hours for holiday.
U work extra 2.5x2=5 hours for fully work.
Ur working hours is reduced in year
=(8-5)x12=36 hours.
In a year if 5th Saturday comes 4 times u work extra=2.5x4=10 hours.
Even then ur working hours are reduced by=36-10=26 hours in a year.
Hence it is a clever move by unions so that employees get clubbed holidays twice in a month, no increase in working hours and also avoided public/traders/customer opposition for 5days banking.
How is it?
When it will be implemented ?
After signing of full settlement IBA will send communication to RBI.
RBI in turn will issue notification.
Then only it will be implemented.
It will take another 3 to 4 months.
What will be my new salary?
Distribution/loading of amount to various heads like PQP,FPP,HRA,CONVEY.MEDICAL AID are yet to be announced.
Hence trying to calculate at this stage is a futile exercise.
So many calculations,tables,figures are posted by various comrades.
It shows their curiosity only.
Just ignore all these charts.
Still topics like medical reimbursement/Med claim policy,lfc,leave,issues of pensioners are to be finalised.
Above all management issues/demand like transfer policy,early retirement,vigilance,action after retirement,variable pay/incentive etc. are to be finalised.
What about the settlement?
90% of comrades commented that it will be only 13.5% and is already match fixed.
Now it comes with 15% and 2 clubbed holidays in a month.
Thanks to all unions who pressured to change the figure 13.5.
It is not so good settlement to celebrate,
at the same time it is not so bad settlement to curse. O.K.