February 27, 2015


In the meeting 12.08.2013 it is decided to merge 4440 points of CPI with Basic pay.
What does it mean?
As on 01.11.2011 CPI was 4440 for D.A calculation i.e 401 slabs, 60.15%(@0.15% per slab)
As on 01.11.2012 CPI was 4876 for D.A calculation i.e 510 slabs, 76.50% (@0.15% per slab)
Now after merging 4440 points D.A. for balance 436 points i.e 109 slab will remain.
This 109 slab will not be calculated @ 0.15% as it will lead to giving D.A on D.A +basic.
Hence it will be reduced.
To what extent?
In 8 th bi-partite settlement D.A. merger was at 2288 points. % per slab was 0.18%
In 9th bi-partite settlement D.A. merger was at 2836 points. % per slab was 0.15%
How 0.18 became 0.15?
It is simple maths. (2288/2836)*0.18=0.145=0.15%
Likewise this time it will be (2836/4440)*0.15=0.0958=0.10%
This rate is not announced officially, but this is the method of calculation.
What is the effect of merging D.A with Basic Pay?
On 01.11.2012 Basic Pay =8000. D.A. (old)=6120 (@76.50%)
On 01.11.2012 Basic Pay=12812. (160.15% of 8000).D.A. (New)=1396.50(109*0.10%)
Now, Basic pay of 8000 becomes 12812.
IBA has not revealed the % of wage increase yet.
Any % announced will be calculated on 12812 and not on 8000.
This is the effect of D.A.merger.
All our benefits like ‪#‎HRA‬‪#‎CCA‬‪#‎PF‬ ‪#‎CONTRIBUTION‬‪#‎PENSION‬,‪#‎COMMPUTATION‬,‪#‎LOAN‬ ‪#‎ELIGIBILITY‬ etc.,are calculated on the basis of basic pay only. Hence we have to increase Basic pay substantially.
Therefore this merger point is a good one.
Effective date from 01.11.2012 and its importance:
In previous ‪#‎settlements‬ effective date was postponed by an year or so and different heads like B.P, D.A.,Spl.Allow, etc., was given effect on different dates therby loosing the arrears substantially.
This time it is achieved from the day one.
Posted as received.

February 25, 2015

Payment Banks - 5 Day Banking

RBI has invited applications for Payment Banks, just tried to analyse the impact of these banks on us (PSB’s).  Both positive and negative aspects have emerged and also very high probability of five day banking.
According to RBI, payment banks can perform the following
  • Open CASA accounts, initially they will be restricted to a maximum balance of 1.00 lac. ( RBI says initially later on they may withdraw this ceiling )
  •  Act as a Business Correspondent for other Banks.
The above two are the most important features for detailed guidelines please visit RBI websitehttp://rbi.org.in/scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=2900.
SBI,  Reliance Joint Venture for payment bank, SBI with its vast experience in banking and reliance known for its ability to roll out world class  projects within stipulated time is a deadly combination. Within a span of 5 years, their Kiosks, and BC’s( In number ) will exceed our branches.
Positive side of this, No crowd in branches.  Each bank will have a tie up with one or other payment bank for acting as a BC.  They will handle all our receipts and payments. Our role will be confined to taking care of lending.  We can focus on more profitable avenues, No Jandhan accounts headache.
Negative side, we will loose our importance, no further recruitment, bargaining power of unions will come down, we may even see cost to company, variable pay etc.,  Common man will not be affected even if we go on strike for one month. It will be easy for the government to merge the banks.  No promotions because banks will stop opening new branches.  Stagnation in career for all young bankers. Biggest of all our CASA will come down drastically, and accordingly our profitability.
Now being private these payment banks may even work 24*7 with shift. Their employees will be mostly locals with a salary of 10 to 15k.  I expect that stand alone BC’s with an HHM ( Hand Held Machines ) will even work for 12 hours per day.  As per RBI guidelines, payment banks can render their services through their own branches, ATM’s, and Business Correspondents.
Now with all payment banks coming in and taking care of Cash Management, we can certainly hope for a 5 day week.  We are busy in our wage revision no union has opposed introducing payment and small banks which are going to take on us in a big way.  Imagine the situation where in the maximum limit of 1.00 lacs is removed our CASA  will go down drastically draining our profits.  We may get our 5 day banking, but think about our future, its bleak.  We are the strongest lot in the financial sector, many may not know the fact that the insurance  wage settlement is based on our bipartite.  Payment and small banks are going to weaken us. ( Public Sector Banks ).  Time to think,  hope unions will take care of this after the bipartite.

10 th Bipartite Arears Chart

Whether Working Hours Increased because of Saturday Holiday

Whether working hours increased because of Saturday holiday?
No. How?
Working hours are 6.5 hours for full day& 4 hours for Saturday.
In a month you save 4x2=8 hours for holiday.
U work extra 2.5x2=5 hours for fully work.
Ur working hours is reduced in year
=(8-5)x12=36 hours.
In a year if 5th Saturday comes 4 times u work extra=2.5x4=10 hours.
Even then ur working hours are reduced by=36-10=26 hours in a year.
Hence it is a clever move by unions so that employees get clubbed holidays twice in a month, no increase in working hours and also avoided public/traders/customer opposition for 5days banking.
How is it?
When it will be implemented ?
After signing of full settlement IBA will send communication to RBI.
RBI in turn will issue notification.
Then only it will be implemented.
It will take another 3 to 4 months.
What will be my new salary?
Distribution/loading of amount to various heads like PQP,FPP,HRA,CONVEY.MEDICAL AID are yet to be announced.
Hence trying to calculate at this stage is a futile exercise.
So many calculations,tables,figures are posted by various comrades.
It shows their curiosity only.
Just ignore all these charts.
Still topics like medical reimbursement/Med claim policy,lfc,leave,issues of pensioners are to be finalised.
Above all management issues/demand like transfer policy,early retirement,vigilance,action after retirement,variable pay/incentive etc. are to be finalised.
What about the settlement?
90% of comrades commented that it will be only 13.5% and is already match fixed.
Now it comes with 15% and 2 clubbed holidays in a month.
Thanks to all unions who pressured to change the figure 13.5.
It is not so good settlement to celebrate,
at the same time it is not so bad settlement to curse. O.K.

What we Aceived Till

IBA itself has stated through its Press Release dated 02-12-2014 that 11% increase in pay slip components is equal to 12.5% increase in total establishment costs which include superannuation benefits.
So, the present 15% hike achieved in pay slip components is equal to 17.045% hike in total establishment costs. Thus, the present hike is less than what was achieved in 9th BPS.